Plates with

We partner locally with minority women chefs to cook wholesome meals straight from the heart for folks experiencing food insecurity.

our dual mission


To support minority women at the helm of food businesses

In 2020, only 23% of head chefs were women. A slice of those are people of color.

We are doing our part to support minority women-owned food businesses.

To provide meals for folks experiencing food insecurity

More than 34 million Americans were food insecure in 2021.

Our restaurant partners prepare quality, nutritious meals to nourish and brighten someone’s day.

Whether it’s needing support to get their businesses off the ground, or needing a nourishing meal, we work to take one thing off their plate.

How We Work



100% of your donation goes to women and minority-owned food businesses in cities around the nation.



These meals are delivered to local community partners, from homeless shelters and food pantries to workforce development centers and healthcare organizations.



When chefs serve community oranizations in their city, community ties and the local food economy is strengthened.


Our impact


200 kitchens
and 470 communities

served across Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, DC, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle.


875,000 hot meals

cooked and delivered to thousands of people facing food and nutrition insecurity.


Over $8.8 million

raised in support of women and minority food entrepreneurs and their neighbors experiencing food insecurity.


Who We Serve

β€œOne of the things I love about our partnership with Off Their Plate is that it’s centered around serving the community. We’ve served over 3,000 home-cooked meals that have nourished local Baltimorian’s hearts and souls.

The partnership with Off Their Plate is a win-win. It’s a win for the restaurant, for the community, and for donors who want to make a tangible impact with their dollars.”
— Keyia Yalcin, owner of Fishnet in Baltimore, MD
β€œThe food was so good and I have not seen that much food in my entire life! And the best part about it was that I was told that I could have more than one plate. I will never forget this day because my stomach was full and my spirit fed.”
— Seth from Chicago

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